Financial Services
AT Business Advisors (ABN 29 551 448 187), acting as an authorised representative of AT Business Advisors Pty Limited (ABN 65 162 161 668) (“Licensee”) is qualified under the Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) (License No 487370) to provide you with the following services:
- provide financial product advice on self-managed superannuation funds (“SMSF”).
- provide financial product advice on your existing superannuation products, but only to the extent required for:
- making a recommendation that you establish a SMSF; or
- providing advice to you on contributions or pensions under a superannuation product.
- deal (issue, acquire, dispose) or arrange to deal in a SMSF.
- provide class of product advice with respect to:
- superannuation products;
- general insurance products;
- securities;
- simple managed investment schemes;
- life risk insurance products; and
- basic deposit products.
This class of product advice allows us to consider your personal circumstances in determining the appropriate class of financial product that is suitable to you. It does not however, allow us to recommend any particular financial product.
AT Business Advisors (authorised representative No. 1250304) is a partnership and an authorised representative of the Licensee AT Business Advisors Pty Limited (ABN 65 162 161 668). Any personal advice will be provided by AT Business Advisors and its advisers Gregory Thomas Adams (Authorised representative No. 1250305) and Judith Anne Constantine (Authorised representative No. 1250306) (who are sub-authorised by AT Business Advisors to provide advice on behalf of the Licensee). As authorised representatives, AT Business Advisors, provide financial services on behalf of the Licensee. In providing these financial services, the Licensee acts on its own behalf.
AT Business Advisors Pty Limited is independent and is not aligned with any product or re-seller. Our Financial Services Guide details the services we are authorised to provide and the qualifications of our advisors.
If you have any further queries about our financial services, please do not hesitate to contact us.