The NSW Government is introducing measures to help landlords and tenants work together. The support package includes a six-month moratorium on landlords making applications for evictions due to rental arrears:
- for tenants who are financially disadvantaged by COVID-19, and
- where landlords and tenants try to negotiate rental reductions in good-faith and
- it would not be fair and reasonable in the circumstances to terminate the tenancy.
As well the moratorium on applications for forced evictions due to rental arrears, the package will also immediately:
- put a 60 day stop on new termination notices and termination applications to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal where these are for terminations due to rental arrears as result of a household being unable to pay their rent due to the COVID-19 emergency
- extend notice periods for certain other lease termination reasons to 90 days.
The support package is available to tenants who can prove they have been impacted by COVID-19. The tenant is considered to be impacted by COVID-19 when one or more rent-paying members of the household:
- have lost their employment, income or work hours due to COVID-19 business closures or stand-downs, or
- have had to stop working or substantially reduce work hours due to illness with COVID-19 or to care for a household or family member with COVID-19, and
- this resulted in a reduction in the weekly household income (including government assistance) of at least 25%.