February 2025 Newsletter

February 2025 Newsletter

Will credit card surcharges be banned?

If credit card surcharges are banned in other countries, why not Australia? We look at the surcharge debate and the payment system complexity that has brought us to this point.

In the United Kingdom, consumer credit and debit card surcharges have been banned since 2018. In Europe, all except American Express and Diners Club consumer surcharges are banned. And in Australia, there is a push to follow suit. But, is the issue as simple as it seems?

The push for change

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) launched a review in October 2024 of Merchant Card Payment Costs and Surcharging. The review explores whether existing regulatory frameworks are still fit for purpose given the rate of technological change and complexity, and if there is a need for greater transparency – surcharges, transaction fees, and the way in which payments are regulated, are all up for review. Ultimately, the review is about reducing costs to merchants and consumers.

In general, customers dislike surcharges and would be happy to see them go – they represent a personal loss of value in much the same way a discount is seen as a personal gain. And, they have support for a ban from the large credit card providers and financial institutions with the Australian Banking Association’s (ABA) submission to the RBA review saying, “The current surcharging framework is clearly not working and requires targeted reform. Consumers should never be surcharged for bundled costs like POS systems, business software products or other business incentives.” The reference to “business incentives” is where a higher fee is charged by the payment service provider to provide the merchant with reward points and other incentives.

The push for a ban accelerated when the government announced that it would ban debit card surcharges from 1 January 2026, subject to the outcome of the RBA review later this year.

If surcharges are banned for some or all payment methods, businesses currently charging surcharges will need to either absorb the cost of merchant fees or increase prices. The issue for many businesses is not whether to charge a fee, but the costs of accepting what is now the most common payment method – cash is free to transact, cards are a facility to transact legal tender, not legal tender in and of themselves.

Small business pays 3 times more

While the average card payment fee in Australia is lower than the United States (which is close to double Australia’s rates), we pay a higher rate than in some other jurisdictions such as Europe. The RBA have flagged there might be room to improve this by capping interchange fees and/or introducing competition into how debit card payments are routed (allowing systems to default to the ‘least cost’ option available).

In Australia, it is not a level playing field when it comes to card transaction fees with a large disparity between fees paid by small and large merchants – small merchants pay around three times the average per transaction fee than larger merchants (large merchants are able to secure wholesale fees or utilise ‘strategic’ interchange rates). But even within the small business sector, fees vary dramatically with the cost of accepting card payments ranging from less than 1% to well over 2% of the transaction value.

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