Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment
The Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is for those who have been advised by their relevant health authority to self-isolate or quarantine because they: Test positive to COVID-19; Have been identified as a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case; Care...
NSW Child-care gap fee
From 19 July 2021, the Government is enabling childcare services in NSW Local Government Areas subject to stay at home orders to waive gap-fees for parents keeping their children at home due to current COVID-19 restrictions. The gap fee is...
NSW Eviction moratorium
The NSW Government has introduced a targeted eviction moratorium to protect residential tenants. The moratorium applies where: You have lost work/income because they or a member of their household contracted COVID; or The household’s take home weekly income has reduced...
NSW Business grants
Hospitality & Tourism COVID-19 Support Grant The NSW Government has announced new grants of up to $10,000 to aid businesses impacted by the recent COVID-19 restrictions. The grant is available to tourism or hospitality businesses with: A NSW registered ABN...
What to do when reopening your business
As many business owners look to life after COVID-19, an important question comes up: how do we plan to reopen our business? For most businesses, the easing of restrictions doesn’t mean a return to business as usual. There are rules...
Instant asset write-off extended
Extension of the $150,000 threshold for the instant asset write-off rules As announced earlier last week, the Government is planning to extend the $150,000 instant asset write-off threshold for a further 6 months until 31 December 2020. This means that...
HomeBuilder – What is it and how do you access it?
The HomeBuilder scheme targets the residential construction market by providing tax-free grants of $25,000 to eligible owner-occupiers, including first home buyers, to build a new home or substantially renovate their existing home. The grants will be distributed by the revenue...
NSW Business grants
The ATO and the Tax Practitioners Board have now warned of “firm and swift action” against tax agents who defraud the government’s stimulus package, with a dob-in hotline now established. The joint regulators have now sent a clear warning to...
JobKeeper 2.0
JobKeeper from 28 September 2020 We have summarised the key details in this update please download here. The first tranche of JobKeeper ends on 27 September 2020. Those needing further support will need to have their eligibility reassessed and prove an actual decline in...
Code of conduct for commercial tenancies
The Prime Minster has announced that the states and territories will legislate a mandatory code of conduct for commercial tenancies – see National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct. The code applies where: The landlord or tenant is eligible for the JobKeeper...